By LiveSites on Friday, 15 April 2016
Category: Blog

Pessach in Israel? Sick? Medical Concierge at your service

EMA Care hopes you have a healthy, wonderful Pessach holiday, but if you or someone you know becomes ill or injured, we are a phone call away.

Medical Concierge is becoming popular for tourists all around the world.  Many travelers have experienced firsthand the worry and anxiety when you or a family member becomes ill in a foreign country.  It’s challenging to understand where to go, or whom to ask for help.  Tourists usually end up in a hospital emergency room, waiting to be seen, and waiting some more, in pain or discomfort.

Then there can be language difficulties, strange medications, and an all-around unpleasant feeling that things are not right.  Hours are wasted and many, many times you discover there was no reason to be in a hospital.  All you needed was expert guidance to point you in the right direction. Concierge medicine eliminates the questioning and the lost feeling.  When a tourist turns to a medical service to help them deal with a medical emergency, the tourist is no longer alone in his/her hour of need.

EMA Care provides that extra help. We will advise you and guide you through any emergency health crisis.  Expert medical advice is a phone call away, advising when a hospital visit may be necessary and when it is not.  If you do need hospitalization EMA Care will be right there with you We understand the language and the bureaucracy of Israeli hospitals.  EMA Care has connections with the finest English speaking doctors, in nearly every medical field.

The goal of EMA Care is to help you relax when the unexpected happens. But that’s not the only goal. EMA Care wants you to feel better so that you can enjoy Israel this Pessach!!!  We want you to receive the best medical care as quickly as possible so you can continue on with your trip!  The beautiful sights and sounds of Jerusalem await you, this is your time to float on the Dead Sea.  It would be a shame to let illness prevent you from having a very special holiday in a very special land.

EMA Care provides medical concierge services for tourists visiting Israel.  EMA Care also provides case management services for residents and Olim in Israel, in-person patient advocacy, and medical coordination and advocacy for gap-year students in Israel. We can be reached at and at 052-639-8444.