By Efrat on Thursday, 21 May 2020
Category: Blog

Pandemic Planning

Covid-19 took the world by a storm. No one could have prepared, predicted, or imagined the ramifications it would have on the world. With governmental regulations changes’ occurring so rapidly, everyone was struggling to understand and implement the latest guidelines.

But fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Institutions with dormitories have the collective responsibility of thousands of students and as experts predict a second wave around the fall- there is no excuse for a lack of preparedness this time around. We cannot afford to have another year of study disrupted, our students have only one chance of participating in a gap-year program- and it is the obligation of every program to actively ensure that they are prepared in pandemic planning so that their students can weather the second wave of the coronavirus safely, calmly and with their needs, both physically and emotionally, met. Chaos can be prevented and doing the proper groundwork prior to the second outbreak will enable all students to experience their gap year without any fear or anxiety.

As a service in order to educate and empower both the Gap-year programs and the parents of the students, EMA Care has provided below a brief overview of the details that every comprehensive pandemic plan should include.

A high caliber pandemic plan has to be able to answer the following questions:

Logistical areas covered in a Pre-Pandemic Plan should include:

And lastly, it is also vital that the institution has access to on-hand advice and coaching during the time of quarantine when the need arises. Unpredictable situations will arise and there can be many variables that need to be accounted for. Having experts on hand will provide additional support decreasing the risks while promoting the safety and security of all students away from home should a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic return.

EMA Care wishes everyone a safe and successful year and we look forward to servicing you towards this goal.

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